

Dear بأمين الأفكار

“What is a friend? A single soul, dwelling in two bodies” {Aristotle}

Friendship is not something only with people other than your family, friends come in all races, and friends can be someone outside your comfort zone, friendship is something special, something dear, something to hold on forever…Last week I was contacted by a really old school friend, we actually only went till 7th grade together, my classmate‘s till 7th grade, we all started kinder garden together, we made a pack never to forget one another, but somewhere along the line we did, which was sad, but she told me something really sweet, she said “although we all moved along, we still resided in each other’s hearts. So meeting up again was destiny reuniting us all.”  So friend thanks for making the connection 🙂

Different people have different definitions of friendship. For some, it is the trust in an individual that he / she won’t hurt you. For others, it is unconditional love. There are some who feel that friendship is companionship. People form definitions based on the kind of experiences they have had. This is one relation that has been nurtured since time immemorial. They say a person who has found a faithful friend has found a priceless treasure.


“There is a difference between being an acquaintance and being a friend. An acquaintance is someone whose name you know, who you see every now and then, who you probably have something in common with and who you feel comfortable around.
It’s a person that you can invite to your home and share things with. But they are people who you don’t share your life with, whose actions sometimes you don’t understand because you don’t know enough about them.
On the other hand, a friend is someone you love. Not that you are “in love” with them, but you care about them and you think about them when they are not there. The people you are reminded of when you see something they might like, and you know this because you know them so well. They are the people whose pictures you have and whose faces are in your head regardless.
Friends are the people you feel safe around because you know they care about you. They call just to see how you are doing, because a friend doesn’t need an excuse. They tell you the truth, the first time, and you do the same. You know that if you have a problem, they are there to listen.
Friends are the people who won’t laugh at you or hurt you, and if they do hurt you they try hard to make it up to you. They are the people you love, regardless of whether you realize it.
Friends are the people you cried with when you got rejected from colleges and during the last song at the prom and at graduation. They are the people that when you hug them, you don’t think about how long to hug and who’s going to be the first one to let go.
Maybe they are the people that hold the rings at your wedding, or maybe they are the people who give you away at your wedding, or maybe they are the people you marry. Maybe they are the people who cry at your wedding because they are happy or because they are proud.
They are the people who stop you from making mistakes and help you when you do. They are the people whose hand you can hold, or you can hug or give them a kiss and not have it be awkward because they understand the things you do and they love you for them.They stick with you and stand by you. They hold your hand. They watch you live and you watch them live and you learn from them. Your life is not the same without them.”


When I started blogging, I didn’t think that I would make friends, correction make that wonderful friends, to “sister dua” thank you for your wisdom and inspirations you give me n never forgetting the motivation 🙂 to all my “Friends”  May Allah Mercy, Love And Blessing be with you always. Aameen.

Muslimah… Signing of With Glade For True Friends 🙂

Walaikum as salaam
“My recipe for life is not being afraid of myself, afraid of what I think, or of my opinions.”

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Dua
    May 24, 2011 @ 19:03:55


    Dear sister, First Jazak-Allah-sum-Jazak-Allah for mentioning me in your precious entry about “friendship” , am humbled N feeling blessed – N then I would say Mention not, you know it’s v v v easy to motivate people that are already full of optimism N faith in Allah, Allah the merciful keep your faith N trust in Him growing N glowing, Insha-Allah – to me you’re an source an soul of inspiration N with all you say N share I too learn N I grow for the better, Alhamdulillah N thank you back! 🙂

    Friendship is without doubt something very unique N special, N simple rule of having friends is to be one 🙂 Blessed are people who have genuine N pure friends in life! I pray: May you be blessed with loads of them, Insha-Allah! *Hugie*

    Allah Hafiz!


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